01 - E-Mail Settings

Configuration for vo.lu

Webmail server: smail.vo.lu

You can access the Webmail Service at smail.vo.lu to access your E-Mails without installing any app.

Incoming mailserver: smail.vo.lu

IMAP Settings (recommended)

TLS: Port 143
SSL: Port 993

POP3 Settings

TLS: Port 110
SSL: Port 995

Outgoing mailserver: smail.vo.lu

TLS: Port 587 / alternative ports: 25, 2525
SSL: Port 465

SMTP authentication is required.

Please make sure to activate that option and provide your login (complete email) and password as SMTP credentials.

The following page gives you an overview of available settings (server names and ports) for your email address (as far it is hosted on one of our servers)